Visit Objectives

  • In consultation with our local partners, we needed to be satisfied that the threat of political unrest, seen after the Presidential Elections in Aug 2017, had passed to ensure our safety
  • The ‘Handshake’ between President Kenyatta and Opposition Leader Raila Odinga earlier this year successfully eased tensions on the ground. The registration of Rehema Trust with the Charity Commission was not completed until Nov 2017, following which it was important to have time to assess initial donor support and forecast income 
  • Having not visited Kenya since 2011, it was important for me personally to return as soon as possible for my 10th visit 

          Terry Davey (co-trustee) agreed to join me on his first visit to Kenya, although he has previously visited Rwanda, Zimbabwe and South Africa

YAWOSUP (Yala Widows & Orphans Support Project)
In addition to the excellent reports and good quality communication already in place, to increase our knowledge and understanding of: - 
  • The work programmes currently undertaken 
  • Issues and challenges faced 
  • Needs of the local community not currently being met 
  • To seek evidence and feedback from the beneficiaries of YAWOSUP’s work 
  • To review current record-keeping arrangements and to identify any possible improvements and changes to reporting arrangements 
  • To assess the quality of local support available to Edward Wata (Director), incl: - 
                         -  Board Members 
                         -  Staff Members & Volunteers
  • Recognising Edward Wata’s key role, to assess the current options for contingency planning in the event that Edward is indisposed for any significant period of time 
  • To explore ways in which YAWOSUP can seek to become more self-reliant in the future, including income-generating activity
  • To discuss other ways in which Ashtead Church could support YAWOSUP in addition to the existing core funding 
Barbara Academy 
  • In addition to the excellent reports and good quality communication already in place, to increase our knowledge and understanding of: - 
  • The regulatory environment, incl: - 
                    School Registration – detailed requirements to be met incl: - 
                         -  Land Title Transfer – latest position 
                         -  Issues/Challenges 
                    Child Protection (Safeguarding)    
                    Government Education Policy (Changes + Structure) 
                         -  Nursery/ECD (Early Childhood Development) + Primary 
                         -  New Teaching Curriculum (Training/Resources) 
  • To visit other local schools (Government + Private) in order to: - 
                         -  To learn from the experience of others 
                         -  To identify how best to develop and maintain the delivery of high quality education 
                         -  To strengthen Edward’s existing local network of key contacts    
  • To review current record-keeping arrangements and to identify any possible improvements and changes to reporting arrangements 
  • To assess the quality of local support available to Edward Wata (Director), incl the recruitment and retention of: - 
                         -  Board of Management Members 
                         -  Staff Members 
  • To explore the best ways to support teaching staff recruitment and retention, including opportunities for ongoing training and motivation 
  • To understand the socio-economic status of pupil families, including the reasons for an inability to pay fees in many cases 
  •  To assess how best to manage pupil recruitment and retention 
  •  To examine the school’s location, environment and facilities and to determine: - 
                        -  Current Issues & Challenges 
                        -  Future Requirements (Short- & Medium-Term) 
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